Inter Faith Week sparks excellent discussion

Inter Faith Week sparks excellent discussion

23 November 2021

Miss Mirin Niekirk, Chaplaincy Assistant

During this year’s Inter Faith Week, 14-21 November, our student Sacred Heart Reps and members of ‘REthink’, Woldingham’s Theology and Philosophy Club, joined in a discussion session in the school Chapel to explore the question, ‘How is Woldingham welcoming of all faiths and none?’  The lunchtime session on Tuesday 16 November was a wonderful opportunity for students and staff of all denominations, faiths, and no faith to explain and explore their beliefs together and discuss how Woldingham is, or can be, welcoming of the individual beliefs of members of our school community.

It was a lively and informative session which affirmed that we are a school community where people of all faiths and none feel that they have a contribution to make in living out our Sacred Heart goals and traditions. Our hope is that we will continue with our dialogue and look at opportunities to invite guest speakers and visit local places of worship to enable us all to grow in our knowledge and appreciation of different faith traditions and explore how we can celebrate the festivals of other religions and learn about other faiths. It was agreed that listening to speakers from other religions can help students and staff develop a deeper understanding and respect for the many religious beliefs that are practised in the school community and our world today.

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