Festive fun for final week of term

Festive fun for final week of term

10 December 2021

From a fayre and a quiz to classroom decorating and jumper wearing, it’s been a Christmas-themed week to end a busy term of study and extra-curricular activities.

Tuesday’s THRIVE session was spent decorating classrooms for a competition in which eco-friendliness was a key judging criterion. Creativeness abounded with Virgil’s Aeneid among the books forming a Christmas/Saturnalia tree, Santa hats topping a biology lab’s wall display frogs and chains of masks replacing traditional paper ones elsewhere.  The second competition of the day took place after school in the form of the Theology Department’s Christmas Quiz for A Level theology students, complete with rounds involving dance.

After lunch on Wednesday, House Captains and Year Reps took to the auditorium stage to lead some seasonal karaoke before everyone headed to the Christmas fayre. The waffle van outside Main House was extremely popular, as was the grotto of some strangely familiar looking Santas.

Christmas jumpers enjoyed their annual outing on Thursday, adding to the very festive feel in Marden dining room at Christmas lunch. 

Friday morning’s assembly was the perfect way to end the term, with a wonderful celebration of students’ many and varied achievements since the start of the academic year.

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