Rain doesn’t stop play as Woldingham walks for wellbeing and a good cause

Rain doesn’t stop play as Woldingham walks for wellbeing and a good cause

3 March 2022

Our whole school sponsored walk on Wednesday 2 March was a wellbeing boost for those taking part as well as a fundraiser for our Lenten charity, the Cardinal Hume Centre in London.

Despite the meteorological arrival of spring the previous day, hours of rain turned the planned hilly route into a mudslide. But Woldingham has no shortage of pathways, so some swift reorganisation – and the temporary closure of the back drive – saw a river of students and staff flow from the astro, past the fireworks field, up and down the back drive, turning right at the Sports Centre to the finishing line of the Quad.

After a touch of light drizzle as Mardeners kicked things off, even the rain played ball and stopped, leaving a dry afternoon on which to enjoy fresh air, exercise and the company of friends.

Wellbeing Wednesdays are part of Woldingham’s ongoing efforts to promote positive mental and physical health. Don’t forget that we have subscribed to a Wellbeing Hub, run by Teen Tips. Joining instructions can be found on our Parent Portal.

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