Workshop supports Year 10 students and parents in GCSE studies

Workshop supports Year 10 students and parents in GCSE studies

14 March 2022

Mr Terence Nunes, Head of Year 10

Year 10 students learnt new strategies and techniques to help them with their GCSE studies and exam preparation at an excellent workshop on Monday 7 March.

The session, led by Adrian from leading study skills specialist Learning Performance, was highly interactive and covered the use of mnemonics, retrieval practice, the Feynman Technique, imagery, mind maps and more.

We were delighted so many parents were able to take part in the session, which was also designed to help them support their daughters in the lead up to exams.

As you see below, feedback from students was very positive. They are already putting these new skills into practice as they approach their upcoming Year 10 exams.

“I really enjoyed the workshop and found it really interesting how Adrian explained new revision techniques and great ways to revise. I now apply most of the techniques and have already seen improvements.” – Toni

 “I found it very enjoyable and interesting and I’m looking forward to applying the techniques I learned for my exam preparations” – Ariane

 “This workshop was something I didn’t know I needed, but it was one of the most helpful things to experience as I am now aware of a lot more active revision techniques.” – Onome

"This experience was very enjoyable and enabled me to think outside the box to retain information while revising." – Sephora

“I had assumed the workshop would look at content we were all acquainted with, but there was lots new to me, such as active recall and splitting the time. It was extremely beneficial, and I am going to use some of the techniques to prepare for my upcoming exams. I was pleased that our teachers arranged this workshop, and I hope there are more in the future.” – Clara

“The parent and student workshop was very informative, with lots of fun and interactive activities. The talk provided a vast array of learning techniques to help the year group revise and prepare for our coming exams.” – Hattie

“I found the workshop extremely fun and helpful in the revision techniques it presented, as it showed the practical demonstration of some of these techniques.” – Anjali

“The revision techniques were ones I’ve never heard of before, which was really surprising.” – Poppy

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