Lower Sixth learn video skills with professional crew

Lower Sixth learn video skills with professional crew

27 May 2022

Ten Lower Sixth students spent most of the last Wednesday before half-term learning how to film and edit videos with a professional film crew, resulting in three short videos.

‘Working in small groups, the students really threw themselves into the process of filming people and places around the school before editing their footage into videos, which just need a little more tweaking before they can be shared with a wider audience. The students should be really proud of their results,’ said Jenny Rawlinson, Director of Communication, who organised the workshop. ‘As well as learning skills which will be useful at school, some of the students are considering careers in marketing and communication so the day will have provided a great insight into the world of storytelling using video.’

With their new skills, we’re looking forward to more short videos from the Lower Sixth about life at Woldingham.

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