Work experience with MP confirms Zara's career plan

Work experience with MP confirms Zara's career plan

4 July 2022

With her sights set on a career in human rights law, Lower Sixth Former Zara made the most of two days’ work experience last week with Claire Coutinho, MP for East Surrey.

Zara I, Lower Sixth

My first day began with a private tour of the Houses of Parliament and an insightful history lesson. Warmly welcomed by Claire Coutinho MP and her colleagues, I immediately felt like part of their team. My first task was to create a brief on the movement of the House of Lords away from Westminster. I really enjoyed this research project because it gave me a better understanding of the work that goes behind the scenes in an MP’s office. I then drafted a second brief on the topical subject of abortion law.  I am keen to pursue a career in human rights law, so this task helped enhance my knowledge in this important legal subject. 

My two days with Claire Coutinho’s team really deepened my understanding of the workings of Parliament and how laws and policies are made. I plan to share my experience with my fellow students by giving a talk next term.

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