Enthusiastic start to Woldingham's 180th anniversary year

Enthusiastic start to Woldingham's 180th anniversary year

13 September 2022

Woldingham was a hive of activity last week when we welcomed new students and those returning after the summer break. It was lovely that many parents – new and ‘old’ – were able to join us for talks, lunches and afternoon teas.

Maps in hands, Year 7 students popped up in all corners of the school and grounds after lunch on Wednesday 7 September, as they started to get to know their new surroundings. This was followed by inductions to the library, IT, languages, PE, extra-curricular activities and music – the latter including a first opportunity to sing in our recital room.

The following day, after Mass and a whole school assembly, students gathered in their Houses to create their House Festival performance - a combination of song, dance, drama and (an annual favourite) a Year 7 fashion show. Preparations and rehearsals, led by the House Captains, were, as always, a great way to get to know new House members.

Though a competition, each House’s show was greeted warmly, and noisily, by the rest of the school and great fun was had by all. Digby took the House Festival award in Woldingham’s 180th anniversary year, but everyone was a winner.

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