Year 9 bonds over adventurous activities at the start of term

Year 9 bonds over adventurous activities at the start of term

14 September 2022

Alice S, Year 9

On Monday 12 September, a day of activities at Hindleap Warren was a wonderful way to start Year 9. The 40-minute coach trip to the Ashdown Forest in East Sussex gave us a great chance to catch up with friends after a summer apart and get to know new friends who have just joined Woldingham. 

When we arrived at Hindleap Warren, we were split into tutor groups to rotate through the activities.  My group started on the high ropes and I loved being up in the trees.  We then tried orienteering, which required us to really work together. I have occasionally got lost in Tesco between the aisles but, with the help of my group, we found everything on the map. Next it was abseiling, which was terrifying but worth it for the sense of accomplishment when your feet were safely back on the ground!  Finally, we learned how to set up and start a campfire. Each group had to work together to keep its fire alight. Cooking marshmallows and talking was the perfect way to end the day. 

Throughout the day we were reminded of what we are as a community – together we can do more than we can do by ourselves. 

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