Alumnae delighted to return to school for 20- and 40-year reunions

Alumnae delighted to return to school for 20- and 40-year reunions

26 September 2022

Miss Clare Brazier, Development Manager

Alumnae from the Classes of 2002 and 1982 from around the UK and overseas returned to Woldingham to celebrate their 20- and 40-year reunions on Sunday 18 September, some for the first time since they left.

After Mass in the school chapel, led by Fr Gerry, alumnae were warmly welcomed by Dr Whitehead and enjoyed chatting and reminiscing over lunch in Main House. The afternoon continued with a tour, where they enjoyed revisiting many familiar places. They were also delighted to see the many changes taken place since their school days, including our impressive science centre, modernised in 2015, the Outdoor Adventure and Education Centre, opened earlier this year, and the recently refurbished auditorium, although for our 1982 leavers this was the first time some had seen the Millennium Centre, which was opened in 1999.

It was a wonderful afternoon of reconnecting, with many alumnae already planning to return on Old Girls’ Day in May to celebrate Woldingham’s 180th anniversary year.

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