Oxbridge and medicine applicants supported, stretched and informed

Oxbridge and medicine applicants supported, stretched and informed

27 September 2022

Miss Jamie Gallagher, Director of Higher Education & Careers

Our Upper Sixth Oxbridge and medicine candidates have been working hard on their applications to meet their upcoming UCAS deadline.

Oxbridge applicants enjoyed a useful talk from Professor Roel Dullens (pictured) about the University of Oxford, the admissions process and how to write a successful application. They also had a session with former Head Girl Susie Triffitt, who studied at Oxford and is now at Cambridge, about how to pick their college and Susie’s top tips for personal statements and interviews. The students will mentor and work with Kritikos students to challenge and stretch their ideas about the world around them.

Students making applications to study medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine have attended weekly workshops and debated current healthcare issues in preparation for their upcoming BMAT examination. They have also received numerous personalised one-to-one sessions, receiving feedback and support in writing their personal statements. Next week will see the students run a first aid course for members of our Junior Medical Society.

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