Students learn about careers in architecture, urban planning and law from the experts

Students learn about careers in architecture, urban planning and law from the experts

10 October 2022

 Guests from several different sectors talked to students about their chosen career, how they got there, and shone some light on the day-to-day realities of their working lives at two recent panel sessions.

On the evening of Tuesday 4 October, Woldingham’s new Careers Advisor Mr Rob Philbin hosted a session with alumnae Chloe Clacy, Tina Cantwell, Rebecca Dillon-Robinson and Amy Hamilton, respectively an architectural designer, an architectural assistant, an urban planner and a component engineer. The session had a futuristic feel, with Tina talking about the time involved in designing the best architectural use of a particular piece of land, Rebecca about planning the essential green infrastructure in urban environments, and Amy currently working on computer screens for cars that won’t go on the market until 2027-2030.

The following day, students gathered in the Goddard Room for a ‘legal lunchtime’, organised by theology teacher Miss Bond, who previously worked in the field of law. Two solicitors and a barrister joined virtually and talked about a variety of branches of law, including family, commercial and hedge funds, and shared their experiences of working for law practices and as an in-house company lawyer. The engaging panellists were very honest and open - explaining, for example, that while law can be very lucrative, it can also be extremely demanding – and took plenty of questions from the floor.

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