Sixth Form Open Evening helps Year 11 students make their A Level choices

Sixth Form Open Evening helps Year 11 students make their A Level choices

11 October 2022

At Monday’s Sixth Form Open Evening, Year 11 students began the tricky task of narrowing down their options from the vast choice of 28 different A Level subjects by hearing informative and passionate presentations from different departments.

“There is no cap on ambition at Woldingham; no ceiling that can’t be smashed,” said Phil Abbott, Head of Sixth Form, as he told students and parents about the remarkable achievements of Woldingham’s school leavers this summer and how they are now writing their own stories all over the world, from Cambridge to Cardiff and from Toronto to Tasmania.

Year 11 students and parents also learnt more about all the extras that make Woldingham’s Sixth Form unique, from our vibrant academic societies to the coaching and leadership courses, as well as the Sophia programme. Sophia, named after the Greek word for ‘wisdom’, is a thought-provoking curriculum that covers areas as diverse as: culture, society, ecology and philosophy, developing vital critical thinking skills, as well as the skills required to adapt effectively to university-style learning.

Deputy Head Girl, Nicole, addressed the audience with tremendous poise and authenticity as she told them: “When I initially decided to stay here for Sixth Form I thought it was a decision based mostly around the fact that I wanted to stay in a school I knew I loved and had friends in, and good teachers I liked. But looking back now, I realise I stayed because I trusted this school, above others, to give me the freedom, support and enjoyment you need to become a successful Sixth Form student. And I can confidently say, in my final year, that I have not been disappointed.”

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