GCSE French studies enhanced by Nice trip

GCSE French studies enhanced by Nice trip

10 November 2022

Year 10 and 11 students studying GCSE French spent part of the half term break in Nice, in the south of France, living with – and learning from – local host families and taking lessons at a language school. There was also time for some sightseeing, as Lower Sixth Formers Gloria and U-Mae, who also joined the trip, explain.

Gloria and U-Mae, Lower Sixth

Excited and curious, we arrived in picturesque Nice early on the morning of Friday 14 October. Our linguistic trip had officially begun.

The weather was warm and sunny throughout our time in France, during which we visited Fragonard’s historic perfume factory in the traditional village of Eze; we explored Antibes, a small town with lively markets and enthusiastic citizens; we walked many lanes in the centre of Nice, seeking a bowl of delicious ice cream or traditional decorations. The magnificent buildings, the harmonious colour combinations of the houses, the sunset by the sea that we watched together, are already treasured memories from our visit to France.

We also took French lessons at a language school called International House between 9am-12pm each day. The teacher, Aurore, was very friendly and helpful and we learnt a lot from her.

Staying with a host family was great. Everyone was very warm-hearted and welcoming and we chatted about many things, including global events, during dinner. The food was delicious too.

This was a memorable trip, which really helped with our spoken French. A huge thank you to Mme Maillot and Mme Poullain for organising the trip and looking after us so well.



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