Sophie’s head for business brings competition success

Sophie’s head for business brings competition success

10 November 2022

Hot on the heels of our Upper Sixth Formers’ success in the John Locke Institute’s essay competition, Lower Sixth Former Sophie's essay writing prowess saw her win the Key Stage 5 category of the University of Exeter’s Business Essay Competition.

From the options offered, Sophie chose to address the question: What are the benefits and drawbacks of introducing a four-day working week?  Sophie explained, “I enjoy doing research on interesting topics and as this subject wasn’t familiar to me I wanted to find out more about it.”

Among Sophie’s reasons for entering the competition was to get extra essay-writing practice to assist with her A Level economics and English literature studies (she is also taking maths). Practice is paying off for Sophie as the competition judges were particularly impressed by her well-balanced argument and her logical and easy to follow structure.

Sophie’s win will be an impressive addition to her university applications. She is considering studying something involving economics, though she hasn’t decided quite yet. Another nice bonus is Sophie’s prize of a £100 voucher and a University of Exeter hoodie.

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