Students enjoy flamenco fun in Seville

Students enjoy flamenco fun in Seville

10 November 2022

During the October half term holiday, students in Years 8 and 9 studying Spanish enjoyed immersing themselves in Spanish culture and putting their language learning into practice during a visit to Seville. 

Alice S, Year 9

Soon after arriving at our hotel in Seville on Monday 17 October and dropping our bags in our rooms, we were up and out again, exploring the nearby streets. There was time to stop at an ice cream shop, which was a well-deserved treat after our travels.

The next two days were packed seeing many of Seville’s cultural highlights. Walking up 34 flights to the top of Seville Cathedral was made a lot harder by the hot weather, but it was worth it for the fantastic view. We tried flamenco dancing - some of us more gracefully than others! We explored the Royal Alcázar of Seville, a very beautiful palace with detailed mosaics and carvings on the walls. In the evening, we could choose either to go to the top of Las Setas, the ‘Mushrooms of Seville’, or to try churros. I chose Las Setas, from which the views of the city were very pretty.

Our last day was a lot cooler and it even rained – apparently for the first time in six months. We visited the Parque de Maria Luisa, where we all took part in a photo competition. There were more great views from the park, which also contained lots of beautiful buildings. Afterwards we went into town and used our Spanish to do some souvenir shopping. Sadly, this was the end of our adventure as we had to catch the plane home.  We had a wonderful time. A big thank you to the Spanish Department for organising such a fun trip.

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