Alumna Gabi in the pink at LSE

Alumna Gabi in the pink at LSE

24 November 2022

“Don’t tell them you like something, show them you love it,” was great advice from Woldingham alumna Gabi Whittard to current students planning university applications in the UK and overseas. During Gabi’s “In conversation with” Mr Kellaway on Thursday 24 November, she explained to the gathered students how her passion for philosophy, which, as Mr Kellaway put it, ‘burst through the screen’, stems from her A Level religious studies course at Woldingham. Gabi is now studying philosophy, logic & scientific method at LSE and among the ways she showed LSE admissions staff her love for the subject was her involvement in REthink, Woldingham’s Theology and Philosophy Club, including a talk she gave to club members.

Gabi also offered helpful advice for those considering reading philosophy at university – look in detail at the courses offered, each university takes a different approach – and is an enthusiastic advocate for LSE, which she describes as having a wonderful, inclusive and welcoming community. 

Gabi is flourishing at LSE, where, outside her studies, she is building and captaining its first ever women’s cricket team. Gabi's enthusiasm for her studies, and life, was clear to all.

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