Upper Sixth Formers give fascinating EPQ presentations

Upper Sixth Formers give fascinating EPQ presentations

28 November 2022

Mrs Ruth Deaney, Head of Psychology, EPQ Co-ordinator

Over the past couple of weeks, Upper Sixth students have been giving presentations, or creating displays, for their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The presentations involved giving a ten-minute talk to an audience of staff and fellow students, explaining their project, what they discovered through their research and what they have learned along the way.

EPQ is an additional curriculum option at A Level that comprises researching and writing an individual project on a topic of the student’s choice. It teaches valuable skills in preparation for university and encourages individual interests outside the A Level syllabus. It is also highly regarded by universities and worth UCAS points. Our students have done an excellent job and have been ably supported by their supervisors. Topics have ranged from the development of artificial intelligence to sustainable housing and the presentations and displays have been fascinating. Well done to all our students and staff involved.

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