Classicists visit British Library to explore the life of Alexander the Great

Classicists visit British Library to explore the life of Alexander the Great

1 December 2022

Dr Jessica Dixon, Head of Classics

Classicists in Year 10 to Upper Sixth explored the life and reception of Alexander the Great during a trip to the British Library on Tuesday 29 November. Its superb collection of sources ranges from 11th Century manuscripts to 21st Century comic books.

Lower Sixth student Imo P-W said, “I learned much about a man I didn’t know a great deal about. I particularly loved hearing about his two wives and their rivalries and seeing the sarcophagus where Alexander the Great may, or may not, have been buried. The display was incredible, from interactive re-tellings to ancient books dating back to the 1100s. Our teachers pointed out interesting and unusual details as we explored the exhibition at our own pace. It was amazing and I loved every moment.”

The Classics Department has a packed programme of trips for 2022-2023. We look forward to taking the students to other exhibitions in London, productions of Greek plays, Fishbourne Roman villa and to Rome itself.

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