Theme of ‘environment’ inspires Woldingham poets

Theme of ‘environment’ inspires Woldingham poets

14 December 2022

Ms Amanda Owens, Librarian

Congratulations to Gabrielle F (Year 7), Jessica P (Year 8), Manon D-C (Year 10) and Imo P W (Lower Sixth), winners of Woldingham’s poetry competition for 2022. This annual competition is part of our celebration of National Poetry Day (NPD) in early October, where we ask students to write a poem in any form on the NPD theme, which this year was ‘environment’. Our poets took great inspiration from this important topic. To read the winning poems, click here.

We were delighted to receive 50 excellent entries across all year groups. This year’s judge was Senior Deputy Head and English teacher Mrs Corran, who also highly commended poems by:

Year 7

Elodie R, Mathilda U, Angela Y

Year 8

Alexa B, Georgia R, Freya S, Carys S

Year 9

Cayetana G G, Juliette M, Clarice N

Year 10

Jovie W

Lower Sixth

Fleur D-C, Alya T

Well done to all. We look forward to hearing some of the poems read by their authors at an assembly next term.

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