GCSE PE students take rock climbing assessment in their stride

GCSE PE students take rock climbing assessment in their stride

12 January 2023

This week, students studying GCSE PE learnt and practised rock climbing with specialist instructors at Blacklands Farm in nearby East Grinstead. They were then assessed as part of the practical element of the course, which accounts for 30% of their GCSE marks. The students took this important undertaking in their stride, as Poppy explains.

Poppy W, Year 11

Despite the very cold conditions, our rock climbing experience got off to a good start on Monday 9 January.  We were split into two groups, with one group learning and practising knot tying skills and rope management and the other bouldering. After swapping and completing the other activity, we started learning how to belay our partners. Our instructors were really good, giving clear instruction and being happy to help and answer any questions. We had the whole afternoon to practise climbing and belaying before being filmed a couple of times for our GCSE assessment.

We returned on Wednesday, this time accompanied by Year 10 students. This was really helpful for our teambuilding skills, communication and community building. For the filming, we had to pick a climb which we were comfortable with and could complete easily and a more challenging climb, which pushed us outside our comfort zone. Overall, it was such a fun experience and I’m really glad I took part, as I know my friends are too.

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