Waishe pursues passion for politics at meeting with local MP

Waishe pursues passion for politics at meeting with local MP

6 February 2023

Following success in the University of Exeter’s Politics Essay Competition, Year 10 student Waishe has continued to pursue her keen interest in politics by arranging to meet with her local MP, Gareth Bacon, on Friday 27 January.  

Waishe, Year 10

I began by asking Mr Bacon how he became an MP, and what his role involves, but over the next 20 minutes our conversation covered all sorts of things, from issues concerning our constituency, to his own past, to diversity in parliament.

How Mr Bacon started his career was very interesting. I discovered he wasn’t interested in politics until his early teens, when he watched a TV dramatisation of a book by a member of the House of Lords. He then read the book and subsequently arranged a meeting with his local MP - similar to what I had just done.

Mr Bacon gave me great advice on getting into the world of politics, telling me how important he felt it is to follow my own separate career first, whatever that may be, so I have something to "bring to the table" when I do go into politics. He didn't run for MP until he was 47.  However, he also suggested things I can do now to immerse myself in the UK's political activity, such as joining the youth versions of political parties and, if I am interested, doing work experience in Westminster. For now, I think I'll start by going to a session of Prime Minister's Questions, which I was kindly invited to by Mr Bacon and am thoroughly looking forward to.

I learnt so much from my meeting with Mr Bacon and I’m certain that the advice I received will help me in my career later on.

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