Expert adjudicator “completely bowled over” by House Music Festival Final

Expert adjudicator “completely bowled over” by House Music Festival Final

8 February 2023

Adjudicator David Wallace, Head of Junior Music Courses at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, pronounced himself “completely bowled over” by the performances of our finalists in the House Music Festival on Tuesday 7 February – and the audience in the auditorium could not have agreed more.

Director of Music Mr John Hargreaves introduced the final by explaining that the evening’s performances – put together as a concert - would give a real flavour of the variety, hard work and skill our musicians demonstrated during the two weeks of mini concerts that make up Woldingham’s annual House Music Festival. And what a treat it was, as saxophone followed voice duet, piccolo preceded piano, and most of the audience had the pleasure of hearing a guzheng played live for the first time. For full details of the programme and finalists, click here.

Before announcing the overall winners, David Wallace spoke about all 18 performances, offering wonderful words of praise and advice to every performer. It was then time to hand over the trophies and shields, which went to:

Most Outstanding Musician: Nicole, Upper Sixth (Stuart)

Most Promising Musician Overall: Joyce, Upper Sixth (Stuart)

Most Promising Musician in younger year groups: Mathilda, Year 7 (Stuart)

Best Ensemble Performance: Onome, Year 11 (Duchesne), Teni, Upper Sixth (Duchesne), Tona, Upper Sixth (Barat), Shaila, Year 9 (Duchesne), Olivia, Lower Sixth (Barat), Sephora, Year 11 (Stuart), Norien, Year 10 (Digby), Lase, Upper Sixth (Duchesne), Nicole, Upper Sixth (Stuart)

Most Outstanding Vocalist: Nicole, Upper Sixth (Stuart)

Best Piano Performance: Isabel, Lower Sixth (Barat)

Best String Performance: Shaki, Year 7 (Stuart)

Best Wind Performance: Cherry, Lower Sixth (Stuart)

Congratulations to the winners, finalists and all our musicians who took part in another wonderful House Music Festival. Thank you to all our music teachers, particularly Miss Wang for organising this year’s Festival and her marvellous piano accompaniment for many performers.

To watch - or rewatch - the fantastic final, click here.

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