Strings Project gives all Year 7s the chance to try a new stringed instrument

Strings Project gives all Year 7s the chance to try a new stringed instrument

9 February 2023

In a new initiative from the Music Department under the guidance of Ms Rachel Ives, Assistant Director of Music, all Year 7 students are having introductory violin, viola, cello and double bass taster lessons. Students will have the opportunity to continue lessons in pairs at a reduced rate with free instrument hire for one term after half term. Ms Ives, who studied violin at the Royal College of Music, is passionate about passing on her love of stringed instruments to the next generation.

“Strings are such wonderful instruments and this plan allows girls who haven’t had the opportunity to have a go. We have some fantastic string players already at Woldingham, who perform regularly in assemblies and concerts, and I hope by allowing more of our younger students to try the stringed instruments they will see what versatile and enjoyable instruments they are and what fantastic opportunities could open up for them. They are fabulous orchestral and solo instruments,” said Ms Ives.

The Strings Project has run during curriculum lessons this half term but will move to our trained and dedicated instrumental teachers should Year 7 wish to continue their studies. More information on this will be sent to parents soon.

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