Botanical and wildlife imagery, as well as Macbeth, inspires art students at photography and printing workshops

Botanical and wildlife imagery, as well as Macbeth, inspires art students at photography and printing workshops

1 March 2023

Monoprinting and Macbeth-themed photography were the focus of two recent creative workshops for Woldingham art students.

Monoprinting workshop - Millie, Art Ribbon

On Thursday 9 February I ran a lunchtime workshop for art scholars in Years 7 and 8 to introduce them to monoprinting, a process they will find useful in future projects.

I demonstrated how to first roll a thin layer of ink onto the table and place the image on top, before using a pencil to trace the image. This creates a print on the opposite side of the paper, giving the feeling of a fine line drawing.

The art scholars then tried it themselves, and experimented with varying the pressure of the pencil, pressing more lightly for finer details and more heavily for shadows and darker tones.

We used a variety of imagery in the session, though the botanical and wildlife images were everyone’s favourites.

Exploring monoprinting taught the younger students valuable skills in quickly and accurately producing detailed pieces. It was really exciting to introduce them to a new technique and see the wonderful creations they produced.

Photography workshop – Mrs Monica Wraith, Teacher of Art and Textiles

After school on Tuesday 7 February, art students in Year 11 and Upper Sixth took part in a photography workshop, run by Mark Huxley, an experienced Head of Photography and Photoshop specialist.

The two-hour workshop covered a wide variety of photography skills, ideas and working methods. The students used simple props, lighting and Photoshop to produce photos on the theme Macbeth, several of which can be seen in the gallery below.

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