London Mozart Players inspire next generation of musicians on Orchestra Day

London Mozart Players inspire next generation of musicians on Orchestra Day

2 March 2023

At a wonderful gala concert on Wednesday 1 March, professional musicians from London Mozart Players and young musicians from visiting junior schools played alongside Woldingham’s orchestra. The concert’s finale was a one-off performance of Jeff Moore’s The Gypsy’s Violin, which was particularly special as it was the only time this group of musicians played together, and it was conducted by composer himself.

Before the gala concert in the auditorium, young musicians from Cumnor House, Downsend, Oakhyrst Grange, and St David’s schools spent the afternoon at Woldingham rehearsing together having practised ahead at home and school. To make the performance inclusive, Jeff Moore composed The Gypsy’s Violin so that musicians of a range of levels of experience and grades were able to play on stage together.

‘It was a wonderful experience for everyone on stage and in the audience,’ said Director of Music Mr John Hargreaves who organised the Orchestra Day, which was held for the first time last year.

‘For many of our younger performers this was their first experience of playing on stage as part of a large orchestra, and I am sure it will not be the last after this fantastic concert.’

The audience, which included many parents from the visiting junior schools, enjoyed performances from two Woldingham ensembles, who played Nina Rota’s Trio for Violin, Flute, Piano and Grażyna Bacewicz’s Quartet or Four Violins, as well as a stunning performance from Music Ribbon Joyce W, who sang And So by Caroline Shaw.

To watch a recording of the concert, click here.

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