A happy and joyful occasion as Bishop Richard Moth confirms 25 Woldingham students

A happy and joyful occasion as Bishop Richard Moth confirms 25 Woldingham students

14 March 2023

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

On Friday 10 March we welcomed Bishop Richard to Woldingham as he confirmed 25 students at Mass in the auditorium.  In his homily, the Bishop spoke to the students of accepting co-responsibility in building up the Church; as St Paul reminded us in the second reading (1 Cor 12;4-12) we all have our own unique role to play in life and each person is called to be a witness to the faith we profess in the way we live each day. The Bishop reminded the students that their anointment with the oil of Chrism during Mass was a sign that, individually, they received the Holy Spirit and should go forth to serve the Church and society by bringing God’s love to all.

After Mass we all joined together for a buffet and the students and their families had photographs taken with the Bishop.

It was a happy and joyful occasion, which the students enjoyed. I would like to thank them for all their hard work in preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation over the past few months.  Please keep all the students in your prayers as they continue their personal journey in faith.

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