Students strive for shared understanding of challenging ideas at second successful Philosothon

Students strive for shared understanding of challenging ideas at second successful Philosothon

15 March 2023

Mr Roy Peachey, Sophia Programme Co-ordinator

We were delighted to host another inter-school Philosothon competition this week, welcoming teams from schools across the South-East and distinguished judges from UCL, St Mary's Twickenham, and Queen Mary, University of London among other places.

Students from Years 9 to Upper Sixth examined demanding philosophical texts by John Locke, Thomas Nagel, Frank Jackson, and Byung-Chul Han, working collaboratively in an attempt to reach a shared understanding of some challenging ideas. It was wonderful to see students working so thoughtfully, imaginatively and analytically without the help of any adults. Woldingham Sixth Form students also helped to run the whole event in a very impressive way.

Special congratulations go to Battle Abbey School, who won this year's trophy, and to Woldingham’s Rosie S and Nicole W, who were the joint winners of the Upper Sixth prize. We clearly have a philosophical star in our midst as Rosie also won the Lower Sixth prize last year.

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