“Danse Macabre”, “Les Misérables” and more make for a “fantastique” 180th Anniversary Spring Concert

“Danse Macabre”, “Les Misérables” and more make for a “fantastique” 180th Anniversary Spring Concert

23 March 2023

Woldingham’s 180th Anniversary Spring Concert on Tuesday 21 March included several works by French composers, referencing the Society of the Sacred Heart’s foundation in France, and “fantastique” perfectly sums up the evening. Our orchestra closed the first half of the programme with a superb rendition of Saint-Saëns’ masterpiece Danse Macabre, and the appropriately-named ensemble Nearly Everyone, comprising orchestra, junior and senior choirs, staff singers and alumnae musicians, brought the concert to its conclusion with a marvellous medley from Les Misérables.

A varied programme of delights included You don’t own me from the Senior Choir, the Junior Choir singing When I grow up, Bossa Novocaine played by our percussionists, Dvořák’s Humoresque by the Junior Piano Trio and Amaris singing The Fire Dance of Luna, part of the repertoire which saw the choir runner up at the recent GSA Choir of the Year Competition.

We also had the pleasure of seeing our “Training Band” give its first, excellent public performance, playing the theme music to Wallace and Gromit and Aladdin. In years to come, perhaps we will see some of these students receive bouquets for their final concert performance at Woldingham, as did our Upper Sixth musicians, whose dedication and talent have brought us so much pleasure. Music Ribbon Joyce was given special thanks as her year of service draws to its conclusion. The deafening applause following her performance of J S Bach’s Concerto for Two Violins with Cherry and Isabel was a fitting tribute.

Click here to watch a recording of the concert.

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