House honour at stake in cross country, netball, hockey, badminton and dance competitions

House honour at stake in cross country, netball, hockey, badminton and dance competitions

24 March 2023

Mrs Caroline Treacy, Director of Sport

The spring term has seen students compete in a range of House Sport competitions.

Cross country competitions took place for Years 7 to 10, but the senior race was postponed due to the snow earlier this month. Well done to our race winners, who were:

Year 7 – Daisy L (Digby)

Year 8 – Isabelle G (Digby)

Year 9 – Mima S (Stuart)

Year 10 – Sofia K (Digby)

As it stands, the contest is tight. Stuart House is currently ahead on points, but the final race next term could change this.

After the success of House Dance and Badminton last year, we were delighted to run these two competitions again, alongside our Hockey and Netball tournaments. The standard of competition across the board has been great and the team spirit has been awesome. It has been wonderful to see students really embrace the events and House spirit across all age groups.

The winning House for each competition was:

Netball Hockey Dance Badminton
Stuart Duchesne Stuart Digby

The full list of winning Houses by year group is shown below.

As well as the completion of cross country, in the summer term we look forward to House Swimming, Tennis, Cricket and, of course, Sports Day on Wednesday 28 June.

Winning Houses by year group

Year 7

Netball – Stuart

Hockey – Duchesne

Dance – Digby

Badminton – Stuart

Year 8

Netball – Stuart

Hockey – Stuart  

Dance – Duchesne

Badminton – Digby

Year 9

Netball – Digby

Hockey – Digby

Dance – Stuart

Badminton – Digby

Year 10

Netball – Barat

Hockey – Barat

Dance – Barat

Badminton – Barat

Year 11

Netball – Barat

Dance – Duchesne

Badminton – Digby

Sixth Form

Netball – Stuart

Dance – Duchesne

Badminton – Stuart

Senior Hockey – Digby

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