Wonderful community spirit as alumnae reunite at Old Girls’ Day

Wonderful community spirit as alumnae reunite at Old Girls’ Day

22 May 2023

Mrs Alison Alder, Alumnae Development Officer

Friendship and a wonderful community spirit were very much at the heart of Old Girls’ Day on Sunday 14 May, where many familiar faces from our alumnae community enjoyed reconnecting on a gloriously sunny day in the valley. Among those we welcomed back to Woldingham were large reunion groups from the classes of 2013 and 2018.

After Mass, which was live streamed for alumnae who could not attend in person, everyone enjoyed lunch in Marden dining room, where we were delighted to be joined by former Woldingham librarian, Pamela Bull.

Many alumnae brought friends and families along. Both children and adults spent a fun afternoon on the adventure centre course, or on Pergola Lawn playing garden games and having faces painted.

Thank you to our fantastic Lower Sixth Formers, Alison, Cherry, Izzie, Izzy, Linda and Yakira, who took our guests on guided tours of the school grounds before everyone finished off the day with a delicious afternoon tea.    

The day really brought it home how Woldingham’s Sacred Heart values stay with our alumnae throughout their lives, creating a powerful sense of community and stability through their shared history.

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