Students attend Good Shepherd Service, part of Arundel Cathedral’s 150th anniversary celebrations

Students attend Good Shepherd Service, part of Arundel Cathedral’s 150th anniversary celebrations

3 July 2023

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

On Thursday 22 June, Mr Ross and I travelled to Arundel Cathedral with Tisha, Year 8, our Sacred Heart Ribbon Fleur, and fellow Lower Sixth Former Linda, to join staff and students from other primary and secondary schools for the Good Shepherd Celebration.

The theme for the day was “Rejoice with me, I have found the sheep that was lost” (Luke 15:3-7). The students made a model of a sheep in Woldingham School colours, which was carried in the procession and placed at the feet of a statue of Jesus at the altar. Bishop Richard Moth, Bishop of Arundel & Brighton, reminded all who were gathered how shepherds would have been a common sight among the people who listened to the parables which Jesus spoke. Our task, he said, was to be good shepherds to one another by the care and compassion and love we offer each other.

Our Diocesan Cathedral in Arundel celebrated its 150th anniversary on 1 July and the Good Shepherd Service formed part of the celebrations for this special year. After the service, our students met with Bishop Richard and took part in a picnic outside the Cathedral, where we enjoyed the company of staff and students from other schools.  Following this enjoyable day, the sheep returned to Woldingham with us, where it was placed on the altar in the School Chapel to remind us all that we are part of a Diocesan family who cares for one another as the shepherd lovingly cares for their sheep.

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