Year 10 students improve financial understanding and match careers to personal strengths and ambitions

Year 10 students improve financial understanding and match careers to personal strengths and ambitions

30 June 2023

Mrs Maria Young, Director of Higher Education and Careers

Year 10 students were fascinated to read their individual in-depth Morrisby careers profile reports on Tuesday 27 June, discovering an array of relevant career opportunities that matched their personal strengths, interests, ambitions and psychometric profile. Having spent time absorbing this, they took part in a finance education session with a definite buzz in the air, eyes firmly on their future pathways.

Abi Foster, from Elent, gave an excellent personal finance workshop, designed to deliver an introductory level of money and finance skills and to develop in the students a growth mindset towards their money management capabilities. Students began by learning to decode a payslip, before moving on to student loans, discovering how they could budget effectively whilst at university. They were interested to learn the 50/30/20 rule and are setting out on their personal finance journey determined to save a useful percentage of income from the outset.

The workshop also looked at state and workplace pension arrangements, the advantages of various kinds of bank accounts, debit and credit cards, and had a short introduction to investing, which will be followed up later on. Year 10 thoroughly enjoyed hearing about Abi’s own experience of starting up a successful company in the second part of the workshop, which focused on the practicalities of running a business, with students proposing and presenting their own business models.

Throughout the morning, live student feedback was displayed on a big screen, which brought group discussions vividly to life. At the beginning of the session, 80% of Year 10 students said they felt unconfident when discussing finance. By the end, confidence levels had soared. Students fed back that they found the morning very meaningful and informative.

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