Year 9s get DofE Bronze Award qualifying expedition under their belts ahead of the summer break

Year 9s get DofE Bronze Award qualifying expedition under their belts ahead of the summer break

30 June 2023

Well done to the 64 Year 9s who completed their Bronze DofE Award qualifying expedition on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June, walking for around six hours each day in and around the Surrey Hills, with a night under canvas at the Southwark Scouts Wayland Campsite in Westerham, just over the border in Kent.

Irina B, Year 9

On Saturday, we began walking at midday. We got lost for around three hours, meaning that we didn’t arrive at the campsite at 8.30pm, but we learnt a lot from this, including the importance of always being aware of your surroundings and it was still a great experience. Playing Uno at the campsite with friends was fun, and dinner was also a highlight – I ate the most delicious pot noodles ever! The next day, we had a bright and early start, fortified by hot chocolate and tea for the long day ahead of us.

I wanted to do my Bronze DofE because I thought it would challenge me - and this expedition definitely did. But I’d also love to do it again.

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