Faith in Action keynote speaker has Power2Inspire

Faith in Action keynote speaker has Power2Inspire

14 September 2023

In a lecture to launch the Sacred Heart Goal for this academic year – personal growth – John Willis, Founder and Chief Ambassador of charity Power2Inspire, shared with staff and students a phrase that encapsulates his very positive attitude to life: “I can’t do it … yet.”  John is also a firm believer that practise makes progress.

John’s story of achievement started early in life as, born without fully formed arms and legs, he overcame challenges most of us don’t have to face, going on to study at the University of Cambridge, becoming a solicitor and later a consultant.

In 2013, John took part in a triathlon relay – completing the 1500m swim – with two friends and discovered how much fun people with and without disabilities could have doing sport together. This led him to found Power2Inspire, with the aim of promoting inclusion through sport. Among the many activities the charity organises is the PowerHouseGames, which a group of Woldingham students took part in earlier this year (you can read about this here).

John’s talk was an inspirational lesson to start Woldingham’s year of focus on personal growth, as we learn to do new things and “practise to progress”.

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