Weekend events enjoyed by our new Year 7s and alumnae from the Class of 1973

Weekend events enjoyed by our new Year 7s and alumnae from the Class of 1973

25 September 2023

Mrs Camilla Mair, Foundation Director

On one weekend, Woldingham hosted events enjoyed by our youngest students and by alumnae who left the school 50 years ago.

Saturday 16 September was a perfect, sunny day for our Year 7 Treasure Hunt. Around 100 students and family members were welcomed by Head of Marden Ms Renshaw, who set the students off on a site-wide treasure hunt, to their great excitement.  

After an hour and a half exploring school and grounds, and getting to know more about Woldingham’s long history, answer sheets were handed to a team of willing WPSA* reps to be marked. Prizes, donated by WSHA** our alumnae association, were awarded to students with the three best scores. Congratulations to Aoife, our overall winner.

The treasure hunt ended with a BBQ on Pergola Lawn in the sunshine. Thank you to the many Year 7 parents who joined us to make the first treasure hunt in a few years such a success.

The following day, we welcomed alumnae from the Class of 1973 back to Woldingham for their 50-year reunion (see photos in gallery below). The group enjoyed reminiscing about their school days over lunch in the Stephens Room, followed by a guided tour that evoked even more recollections.

It was a wonderful afternoon of shared memories and rekindling friendships, as well as looking forward to their next reunion.

*WPSA – Woldingham Parents and Staff Association

**WSHA – Woldingham Sacred Heart Association

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