Classicists explore history and humour at British Museum

Classicists explore history and humour at British Museum

6 October 2023

Dr Jessica Dixon, Head of Classics

The British Museum’s Greek vase and sculpture galleries were the focus of the first Classics enrichment trip this academic year for students in Years 9 to Upper Sixth.

We compared the vast quantities of material culture from Athens to the few from Sparta and discussed their societies’ differing priorities and ways of life. We also explored representations of myth in temple reliefs, such as the Parthenon marbles and the sculptures from the Temple of Apollo at Bassai.

Imo P W, Upper Sixth

Our trip to the British Museum was fantastic. Even though I visit the museum frequently, I was able to further appreciate the history and importance of the artefacts thanks to our amazing Classics teachers telling us more about the items. I particularly loved seeing the Greek comic actor perfume bottles (see photo in gallery below). I found them hilarious and beautiful, and they reminded me of the humour that humans carry throughout time. I also loved that we were tasked with a game of finding various items in the museum, which I can wholeheartedly say we all took very seriously. It was a fantastic experience and I cannot wait to go back soon.

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