Duchesne paints the town red at House feast

Duchesne paints the town red at House feast

11 October 2023

Martha B and Chloé B, Duchesne House Captains

On Thursday 6 October, students and staff from Duchesne House joined together to celebrate the first House Feast of the school year. With a black-tie theme, everyone arrived in their finery ready to enjoy a great evening. 

We began with a Mass dedicated to House patron Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne and her wonderful work within the Society of the Sacred Heart. With the responsorial psalm sung beautifully by Head Girl Alison, and music from Isabel, our Music Ribbon, Mass ran smoothly and was a lovely celebration. 

We strolled from the chapel to the dining hall, some more easily than others due to footwear, for a fabulous gourmet dinner. The room was filled with laughter, conversations, and joy as we dined with our fellow Duchesnians. It was certainly an evening to remember, even without Mr Allberry’s House-coloured jacket! Thank you to Fr Gerry, the catering team and everyone else involved for such a wonderful evening. 

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