Woldingham celebrates Black History Month by ‘Saluting Our Sisters’

Woldingham celebrates Black History Month by ‘Saluting Our Sisters’

11 October 2023

Woldingham celebrated Black History Month in Thrive lessons this week, focusing on the invaluable contributions of black women in our society past and present, in line with this year’s theme “Saluting Our Sisters”.

Students listened to a presentation from Sixth Formers, participated in a Kahoot quiz to test their knowledge, and showed their creative side by creating a poster of someone they felt was an inspirational black woman. The posters will go on display in school later in the month.

Other celebrations included sampling cuisine from the Caribbean, and students compiling a video of staff and students discussing their favourite black role models. A dance workshop is also taking place.

Miss Davina Stansfield, Head of Wellbeing, said: “After Fr Gerry talked about the importance of Black History Month in Chapel on Sunday, in Thrive, students provided a positive and inspirational message to the whole community about respect and celebration of diversity. It was incredibly powerful and the girls should be very proud of themselves.

With this year’s Sacred Heart goal of ‘Personal Growth’ we can confidently say that after the excellent presentation, and work put in by the students into celebrating Black History Month, we are all better informed, more culturally aware and inspired by the achievements we learnt about.”

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