Year 11 enjoys Macbeth with a modern twist in Shakespeare’s historic home town

Year 11 enjoys Macbeth with a modern twist in Shakespeare’s historic home town

11 October 2023

Jovie W, Year 11

Year 11’s English trip to Stratford-upon-Avon on Thursday 5 October began with a visit to Shakespeare’s childhood home. Amazingly, it still looks very much like it did in 1564 when Shakespeare was born and really helped us understand what life was like back then. The staff were very friendly and knowledgeable. I learnt so much from talking to them, including the origin of the phrase ‘good night – sleep tight’.

After some free time in Stratford-upon-Avon, we watched a performance of Macbeth in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The production included some interesting choices: there was a new porter scene, written by stand-up comedian Stuart Lee, and Duncan, Banquo and Malcolm were women. Watching the play brought the text to life and helped me consolidate what I have been learning in lessons. Most of us agree that we enjoyed the staging a lot, as well as the modern twist and the Royal Shakespeare Company’s interpretation of the text. All the actors were amazing!

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