US visit strengthens ties with alumnae and sister Sacred Heart schools

US visit strengthens ties with alumnae and sister Sacred Heart schools

5 December 2023

Mrs Camilla Mair, Foundation Director

Last month, I made a whistle-stop, but rewarding, trip to the USA to meet some of our New York-based alumnae and visit two of our sister Sacred Heart schools: 91st Street, New York and Greenwich, Connecticut.

I was joined by Woldingham governor Ian Baker to host a dinner for alumnae at the Cosmopolitan Club on E65th Street, courtesy of Sacred Heart alumna, Jane Andrews. Twenty of us gathered for drinks and dinner, complete with stunning views of the Manhattan skyline. There was an outpouring of support for Woldingham, with lots of new connections made and old friendships rekindled. It was a heart-warming and memorable evening.

The trip was a great opportunity to meet staff at our sister Sacred Heart schools. As well as strengthening these important relationships, we discussed Woldingham’s reignited role in the Sacred Heart Network exchange programme.  Woldingham is now very much part of the programme, with students currently in Year 9 and Lower Sixth being offered exchange opportunities in 2024, following Year 10 student Athena’s visit to the Sacred Heart School Greenwich in October.

I return from the US bolstered by the support Woldingham receives from across the pond. A huge thank you to our US-based alumnae for making the trip so memorable and inspiring.

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