Ria shares stories of life as a third year medical student and her journey there

Ria shares stories of life as a third year medical student and her journey there

1 February 2024

In a lunchtime conversation with Head of Science Mr Rickard, third year medical student Ria, who left Woldingham in 2021, shared her passion for her chosen vocation and some great advice for students thinking of following in her footsteps as a medic.

Like fellow alumna Abby, guest speaker at last week’s Leadership Live session, Ria spelt out the importance of strong interpersonal skills, particularly empathy, as she often deals with people who are feeling very vulnerable. She gained valuable communication skills from visiting people in care homes as part of Woldingham’s outreach programme and highly recommended this.

Good time management is another priority, as in medicine it’s essential to have a good work/life balance to avoid burn out. Ria advised that medical schools look for well-rounded applicants, with plenty extra-curricular interests, as well as strong academics.

Ria also suggested students do some medical-related work experience to be sure it’s the right choice. When describing a typical week as a third year medical student - joining doctors on ward rounds, taking bloods, and watching operations in theatre - it was clear that, for Ria, this is the perfect fit.

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