A Level psychologists undertake emotional ‘eggs-periment’

A Level psychologists undertake emotional ‘eggs-periment’

19 February 2024

Mieke B, Lower Sixth

In the first half of term we studied attachment, one of the core components of the AQA A Level Psychology course. To give us greater insight into how attachments are formed – in particular the deep emotional bond that connects the primary care giver to its infant – Ms Batka tasked us with looking after an egg for two weeks, using the principles and theories of attachment to determine whether we formed attachments with them.

We decorated the eggs ourselves to give them their own character. We soon learnt just how fragile egg babies are as several broke on the first day! Those of us who were most successful at keeping our egg baby alive kept them in small containers with comfortable blankets, prioritising our egg’s safety above all else.

Throughout the experiment, we photographed the adventures we took our egg baby on, using these to illustrate a PowerPoint presentation we each produced to show our egg’s journey and how we had applied attachment theories to help us understand our own behaviour. I found that I became attached to my egg very quickly and was extremely upset when I discovered it had broken without me noticing.

This project was a fun way to develop our understanding of this topic, and we all loved having an egg baby to look after.

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