Anglican Bishop of Southwark confirms Mosope and Gabriella at Woldingham

Anglican Bishop of Southwark confirms Mosope and Gabriella at Woldingham

20 February 2024

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

On Friday 9 February, we were delighted to welcome Bishop Christopher Chessun, the Anglican Bishop of Southwark, to Woldingham to confirm Mosope, Upper Sixth, and Gabriella, Year 10, in the Anglican faith. Family and friends joined the students in the school Chapel for the service and also online. After the service we gathered together in Main House for a buffet supper.  We are grateful to Revd Catherine Dowland-Pillinger, the vicar at Woldingham Parish, who also attended the service, for taking the time to meet with the students and organise their preparation programme.

It was a lovely evening, which was very much enjoyed by all who attended. Please keep Mosope and Gabriella in your prayers as they continue their journey in faith.

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